Personal Experiences for Mental State Survival

I’ve been experiencing some mental state that really manipulated my day-to-day outgoing. In this world of full of hate and challenges, it would be the worst scenario for me to go beyond the unexpected happenings in my life. Literally, I had this unattended panic attacks and hyperventilation without notice of self-alarm or activated serotonin signals in my body. If I face this kind of world, I really put myself into death or in a trouble.

So how can I survive? 


Based on my personal experience that I overcome before, I should breathe and think about positive things that I have. The only thing that I couldn’t imagine was I really matter my heartbeat and high blood pressure which can trigger and worsen the sensation. Besides, I thought about existence and God’s presence which it really helps for my self-being and can pull up my spiritual side.

Being at this opportunity that I surrounded by people that can support with my distorted body system. I blessed by a very considerate environment which everyone can understand me. Meeting with good people can keep me going and doing things that I wanted and started. I proclaimed that I am different but I keep myself being as a normal person that can do anything in this challenging world.

human print sensor

What I felt with unattended panic attacks and hyperventilation?

It was started to feel about of being nervous or worrying a certain thing but it was never to understand why I got nervous or worried for. It was my mind already manipulated my whole body system. My heart starts to beat fast, my hands are sweating and numb as well. I start worrying about my high blood pressure and die due to a heart attack. It will last for almost 2 minutes and beyond but it depends.

It was drastic and suck feelings that I experienced for a very long time. Luckily, I can survive at least in my own risk. Then, I flew sometimes by escaping ahead and finding cold shelter like malls. I can relax when I go to a cold place.


There’s a day that I wonder about the tragic events that unexpectedly attached to me. Ever since I was a kind of person who can go out and worry less about anything. But now, I can’t even move by a single step in my own door to go somewhere because I feel so worried and fear from invisible things outside. As a reflection, I even most of the time I spent when I was in college. I can go somewhere by myself and expect for a hang-out invitation. Now, I have so many invites to events and group get-away but there’s a big chance to decline because I’m so scared at all. Whatever takes from me was also a sign that I should limit and stay from my own borders. If I have to go, I need to climb up my own borders and fight for anything. What comes up in my mind was a big manipulation and there’s nothing to happen. Yet, It was hard at first to accept that I experienced unexpected panic attacks and hyperventilation but I overcome when I catch my breath ahead.

shallow pool

If I have a one wish to be granted, I would like to wish for a cool and comfortable life even if I lost my wealth and nice things that I have. I can find it when I push myself harder but I can make wonderful things when I feel so relax and worry less for all the time. Like a shallow pool that an endless fun swimming and chilling with tropical music and drinks. I hope I can reach those goals someday. I’ll try my best to get back my old life.


Die. Die. Die. Goodbye.

Not now! I have so many plans and goals to make. I want to travel abroad and find myself in other cultures. I love to visit some of the places that I saw in social media. I like to move somewhere and find love, hope, and wisdom. I like to build my own house. I love to hang out with new friends. I want to blog more. I want to create more artworks to inspire others. I want to explore the world with my fearless thoughts. I like to attend the most amazing party in the world. I want to see a solar eclipse again. I love to read more books. I like to punch faces. I love to eat delicious foods. I love to sing perfectly. I want to experience wild things. I love to dye my hair in several times. I love to cook. I love to be with somebody. I love myself. I love you. I love God. But, I hate that I’m going to die.

back from past

This is my overall experience that I survived personally by my own way. Before I’m going to close my story, I have a 10 ways to survive in unexpected panic attacks and hyperventilation.

1.) Don’t forget to bring a bottle of water. Drinking water can help you out from a trigger zone of worrying and palpitation.

2.) Stay calm. Just stay calm and breathe continuously but don’t push it harder because it can trigger more in your breathing system. Just breathe normally by inhaling 4 seconds in your nostrils and exhaling 4 seconds in your mouth.

3.) A Presence of Mind. Don’t lose ahead. Keep your mind active by thinking about those memories or an event that can switch your mental state from thinking too much of having a panic attack to a thinking of being safe.

4.) Ask for help if needed. If you can’t hold the sensation, just ask for a help or an assistant. In my case, I talked to somebody because it diverts my mind to an interpersonal communication.

5.) Find a nearest cool place like Malls. A cool place can calm you and refresh your mind. Just do a breathing exercise that I mentioned.

6.) Do Exercise. Cardio, Yoga or even simple walking can help your body relax,. There’s a benefit in exercising because it relaxes your muscles,, nerves and mind.

7.) Eat Healthily. Even if you’re not a hypertensive person, you must try eating healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits. Avoid such of taking caffeine products like coffee and diet soda. Caffeine can trigger more.

8.) Always think positive thoughts all the time. Listening music can switch you to a positive outlook in life. Watching of disturbing news and events can make you feel unpleasant and can lead to an unattended panic attack.

9.) Stay away from heat. A higher temperature can irritate your mind and for that cause it can trigger more of having a panic attack.

10.) Have prayers and good faith to GOD. There’s nothing wrong to help from GOD even if it’s not as visible by your own eyes. A good spiritual support can also help your undesired sensation like a panic attack. A good wellness start from our mind. A good mind can be developed by building up a good spiritual habit like prayers and meditation.


Stay cool, don’t mind about those die stuff. Always believe in yourself. A positive mind always win! Thank you.



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