Stress Management Tips for Creatives

Stress is a common emotion or a feeling of not being comfortable. When we say stress, it is someone who is anxious, facing his fear, or involved in bad situations. This kind of emotion is manageable by dealing with it and with other ways to ease the feeling. In this article, I want to introduce some effective ways and tips on how to manage stress for creatives.

Stress In Creative Environment

Working as a graphic designer for almost 6 years was like the weather. Sometimes, I could feel at ease and comfortable in my work and working with people. And there are days that I couldn’t handle pressure and urgency, plus the stressful environment too. This is just part of being a graphic designer in a corporate setting. Sometimes, stress made me feel that I am hungry all the time. That’s why eating snacks are one of my stress killers while at work. The bad side of it was I gained weight. Oh! another stressful thing.

From those years of dealing with stress at work as a creative person, I want to set aside those things that made me feel stress. By that habit, I can focus on my work and pretending that I am feeling peaceful. So here are my 5 tips on how to manage stress for creatives.

1.) Take a Break

Taking a break is one of the effective ways to relieve stress at work. It is your right to take a break at work for about 5 to 10 minutes every hour. Just skip those being workaholic, unless you want to prove something more to your boss. Just forget about the competition and start looking at your mental health. Taking a break also helps you to avoid getting back pain. Just walk around or talk to someone in the office during your break time.

2.) Ask for Help

Stress is not only when you work too much. Sometimes, we get stress from being alone at work. There are hard times that we have to solve problems and figure out errors on our own. It is healthy to seek help by asking for clarification or concern. That’s why supervisors and team leaders are always there to guide you and it would be great if you work in a team. Being alone is not okay, sometimes.

3.) Don’t Over Think

Overthink is just a normal act. When it comes to work, we have to stick to our critical thinking to solve certain problems related to work. It is hard to have personal problems while at work. Talking to your workmates is just to ease your burden (if you like to talk about it to others). Read inspirational books or watch inspiring videos during your break time will do to make you feel comfortable.

4.) Find New Design Inspos

Thinking about a new design is not so easy if you feel uninspired. There are many sites that you can get new and fresh inspirations for your design execution. Exploring new ideas make you feel productive. I’m sure your boss would appreciate your new ideas. Just keep finding new trends every day!

5.) Eat and Chill

Working is not all about spending hours on a laptop. Just eat out and chill for some time. It is normal to feel stress at work, but don’t let this emotion feel at all. Just chill out and eat your favorite snacks while working. Of course, talking to your workmates much you feel better.

What do you think about these tips? Is it helpful? Please do comment about your stress management at work.




8 responses to “Stress Management Tips for Creatives”

  1. Philip Andrew Mayol Avatar

    I was able to conduct Stress Management Training for Supervisors when I was still working on my day job. Stress is really an interesting topic to talk about, and it is also not that hard to manage as long as you have ideas on how to do it.

  2. Rome Nicolas Avatar

    Loving to dine and chill despite the risk of going out. Haha! But thanks for these tips that creatives can keep their stress level at a minimal level.

  3. Jullian Robin Sibi Avatar

    I was listening to a podcast specifically about overthinking and for the most part, what you said here is true Aldrin! Hope we don’t overthink to the point of no return. 🙂

  4. Marco Yambao Avatar
    Marco Yambao

    Love this write up! I can also agree na these ways can also be used whenever you’re stressed not only as a creative but even in different aspects in life. Ako is I eat something sweet when I’m stressed hahaha

  5. Roneth Politud Avatar

    If I feel stress my go-to option is to always take a break. I sleep mostly. Hahaha. Taking a break helps me relax and narrow down the things that give me stress and by doing that it helps me overcome it.

  6. Fernan Daniot Salibongcogo Avatar
    Fernan Daniot Salibongcogo

    The article resonates with me so much of my current situation because part of my current work is to solve people’s problems in online learning. With teammates, I was able to endure the stressful environment of Information Technology working for the industry I love. Thank you for reinforcing these tips.

  7. Anjville - Travel Blogs and More Avatar

    I couldn’t believe it. I am reading this while thinking of my slide presentation for tomorrow morning (never mind working on a holiday and weekend). Anyway, my colleagues and I mentioned about high functioning anxiety earlier, and I guess, I am anxious about deadlines and the succeeding activities even if they fall on weekends. For a reason that I had had trainings the last three Saturdays and extended on Sundays, I immediately went out of town to somewhat relax and never thought about work. I guess, traveling is one way to reduce my stress, and taking a 5-minute nap in between helps.

  8. Reck Adventures Avatar

    I often eat something sweet likely dark chocolates, ice cream, cakes, etc to release my stress. The effect is I started gaining weight. I minimize it and do a short walk every single day.

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