Vlog Episode 9: D.I.Y. Abstract Painted inspired Easter Eggs

About Easter Eggs

Part of celebrating Easter Sunday is to play Easter Egg Hunt game for kids and kids at heart. The Easter Egg Hunt was conceptualized in London way back 1892. Ever since it became popular during Easter Sunday. The biggest Easter Egg Hunt was hosted at Georgia, the United States of America in 1895. The 80,000 Easter eggs were scattered around the town of Homer by 950 participants and it was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. Can we beat the record?

(Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egg_hunt)

It was fun to make a Do-It-Yourself creativity and I created my own version of Easter Eggs. I made some Abstract Painted Easter eggs to add some unique and artistic design. Just follow the steps on the video and be more patient about the paint stains because we need to get mess to create something wonderful, but you have to clean up afterward.



Why Abstract?

We can express your feelings when we paint. Painting more into abstract can express your feelings thoroughly and you can be more precise and freely interpret your ideas. By combining different colors also it can add more to your character and self-expression. You can never be wrong with Abstract painting because it’s your imaginative expression about yourself.

The Fun and Excitement

It’s more fun if you can bring your friends or let your family members make Abstract Painted Easter Eggs. By this creativity, you can communicate with them by talking as a traditional way of interpersonal communication. Then, it is good to socialize with your friends without those smartphones and social media. The exciting part of this creativity is to let your friends or family find the hidden easter eggs.

I am happy if you share your own D.I.Y. Abstract Painted inspired Easter Eggs. Just tagged me or put a hashtag in your post by adding #AMcore2017. I hope you enjoy watching my video. Just drop your comments below.


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